
Mike Fenn

Mike Fenn is a former contributor to the Daily Dot whose beats included Reddit, YouTube, and all things WTF. His work has also appeared in Forbes and News.com.au.

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Dog saves cat with Solo cup stuck on its head

This dog wasn’t about to leave his sworn enemy flying Solo.

On Jan 27, 2015 by Mike Fenn

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Octopus’s daring escape from a fishing boat has to be seen to be believed

This is the Houdini of marine life.

On Jan 19, 2015 by Mike Fenn

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Football player accidentally crashes into opposing team’s Gatorade table

His thirst must have been pretty well quenched.

On Oct 27, 2014 by Mike Fenn

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What happens when 20 strangers make out for a YouTube experiment

How would you like it if your first kiss with a hot stranger was viewed by 1 million people?

On Mar 11, 2014 by Mike Fenn

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These never-before-seen ‘Star Wars’ photos are incredible

Laugh it up, fuzzball.

On Jan 11, 2014 by Mike Fenn

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Remember the drunken ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ guy? He’s running for mayor

But will he do the Fandango?

On Sep 24, 2013 by Mike Fenn

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How Reddit’s atheists lost faith in their former top moderator

r/Atheism excommunicated its top mod, Skeen, after a long period of unrest and inaction.

On May 30, 2013 by Mike Fenn

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Gamers find a lot to complain about in Microsoft’s big Xbox One reveal

But gamers want to know, “Where are the games?”

On May 21, 2013 by Mike Fenn

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Nyan Cat and Keyboard Cat sue WB for copyright infringement

The creators of two mega-popular memes say their characters appeared in Scribblenauts Unlimited without permission.

On May 2, 2013 by Mike Fenn

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Twitter’s best (and weirdest) New Year’s resolutions

Lose weight. Stop wasting cucumbers. Unsee Battleship.

On Dec 31, 2012 by Mike Fenn

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Dying “Star Trek” fan gets private “Into Darkness” screening

Thanks to Reddit and director J.J. Abrams, a terminally ill man with just weeks to live got to see the next Star Trek film.

On Dec 31, 2012 by Mike Fenn

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13 knockout alternatives to New Year’s at Times Square

Celebrate the new year with peaches, possums, and watermelons at these regional festivities.

On Dec 31, 2012 by Mike Fenn

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White House petitioned to build the USS Enterprise

Once again, the Internet wants the highest office in the country to engage in making part of science fiction a reality.

On Dec 28, 2012 by Mike Fenn

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Reddit asks 4-year-old anything, and it’s adorable

An actual 4-year-old weighed in on the economy, literature, and why daddy is the best in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread Sunday.

On Dec 17, 2012 by Mike Fenn

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Can this girl ride the IKEA Monkey’s coattails to online fame?

A monkey in an expensive coat became Internet famous after running around a Toronto IKEA store. Can a girl who saw the monkey get famous, too?

On Dec 12, 2012 by Mike Fenn

The Daily Dot