
Justin Franz

Justin Franz is a Montana-based reporter and photographer who wrote about web culture for the Daily Dot. His work has more recently appeared in Flathead Living Magazine, Trains Magazine, and Travel + Leisure.

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All this teen wants for Christmas is your mail

14-year-old Lucas Hoelscher has spinal muscular atrophy, but one of his greatest joys is receiving mail.

On Dec 6, 2013 by Justin Franz

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Watch a Georgia Republican’s less-than-epic Epic Split parody

The trucks are a metaphor, or something.

On Dec 5, 2013 by Justin Franz

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Ken Burns is making people read the Gettysburg Address and it’s actually awesome

Everyone from Stephen Colbert to Taylor Swift is trying their hand at Lincoln’s most famous speech.

On Nov 13, 2013 by Justin Franz

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This Election Day, there’s something fishy going on in Ann Arbor

The fish’s prolific Twitter feed suggests he thinks he’s a catch.

On Nov 5, 2013 by Justin Franz

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Cory Booker laughs off Twitter stripper scandal

“All right @BuzzFeedBen last time I ever appear in a film with you! Sorry @erinscafe (big smile).”

On Sep 26, 2013 by Justin Franz

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Suicide prevention group reaches out on Twitter

One tweet can save a life. That’s the message a street nurse and cop in Toronto are trying to convey with Real Time Crisis.

On Aug 28, 2013 by Justin Franz

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In NRA’s silence, NAGR takes aim at Obama on Facebook

A week after 26 people were killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, the National Association for Gun Rights has started an all-out social media battle over gun control.

On Dec 21, 2012 by Justin Franz

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NASA confident the world isn’t ending today

The scientists have been fielding so many questions about the apocalypse that they’ve dedicated part of their website to answering.

On Dec 21, 2012 by Justin Franz

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White House forced to respond to Death Star petition

The balls in your court now, Mr. President. 

On Dec 13, 2012 by Justin Franz

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Stephen Colbert crusades for a Senate seat in South Carolina

The comedian has used the hashtags #SenatorColbert and #SpottedSalamander to draw attention on Twitter.

On Dec 12, 2012 by Justin Franz

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The 2016 presidential domain-name race heats up

The 2016 presidential race is heating up online, but no one is looking for delegates. It’s domain names people are after.

On Dec 6, 2012 by Justin Franz

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President Obama’s victories in … email campaigning?

We knew he was more successful on social media, but research suggests Obama sent better emails than Romney too.

On Nov 30, 2012 by Justin Franz

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#My2K: Why Twitter is Obama’s modern-day “bully pulpit”

He’s the most powerful politician on earth—at least on Twitter. Now, President Barack Obama is using his social media capital to rally support for his plan to avoid the “fiscal cliff,” using the hashtag #My2k.

On Nov 29, 2012 by Justin Franz

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New Jersey still struggling with disastrous email election

This week, counties across the Garden State must verify results from the Nov. 6 election, but some have been delayed due to online voting.

On Nov 27, 2012 by Justin Franz

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Prince William’s photo op forces British military to reset passwords

What started a publicity stunt turned into a minor headache for England’s Ministry of Defense.

On Nov 21, 2012 by Justin Franz

The Daily Dot