
Ellen Ioanes

Ellen Ioanes is the FOIA reporter at the Daily Dot, where she covers U.S. politics. She is a graduate of Columbia Journalism School, and her work has appeared in the Guardian, the Center for Public Integrity, HuffPost India, and more.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School's marquee sign.

Police call Florida shooter’s social media presence ‘disturbing’

The shooter apparently left disturbing content on YouTube and Instagram

On Feb 16, 2018 by Ellen Ioanes

daca dreamers

Bipartisan immigration bill dies in Senate under threat of Trump veto

Trump tweets derailed a bipartisan deal to protect Dreamers and build the wall.

On Feb 15, 2018 by Ellen Ioanes

EPA Head Scott Pruitt's First-Class Travel Is Costing a Fortune

EPA head Scott Pruitt’s first-class travel is costing a fortune

Pruitt likes to travel in style, but he doesn't like to explain why.

On Feb 12, 2018 by Ellen Ioanes

Twitter Deletes Archived Vine Accounts linked to Russian 'Troll Farm'

Twitter deletes archived Vine accounts linked to Russian ‘troll farm’

Russian-backed Vine accounts were viewed and looped millions of times.

On Feb 9, 2018 by Ellen Ioanes

Robert Mueller and Trump Tower

Report: Hope Hicks being looked at for obstruction of justice

The Russia stuff gets weirder.

On Feb 1, 2018 by Ellen Ioanes

Tom Steyer

Democrat donor to run impeachment ads during Trump’s State of the Union

The clock is ticking.

On Jan 30, 2018 by Ellen Ioanes

Bernie Sanders 'Medicare For All' Town Hall

1 million people watched Bernie Sanders Medicare for All livestream

The event drew 1.1 million viewers.

On Jan 24, 2018 by Ellen Ioanes

Brian McClendon

Man who put Kansas at the center of Google Earth running for Kansas Secretary of State

He literally put Kansas on the map.

On Jan 23, 2018 by Ellen Ioanes

Donald Trump in MAGA Hat

Trump’s website 404 error message attacks Obama for golfing

The GOP makes coding great again.

On Dec 29, 2017 by Ellen Ioanes

Ron Wyden smiling on couch

Sen. Ron Wyden joins Cory Booker’s proposal to legalize marijuana nationwide

Wyden joined Booker on Facebook Live to discuss the bill

On Dec 27, 2017 by Ellen Ioanes

Alexander Nix and Julian Assange

The curious case of Trump-linked data firm Cambridge Analytica

The story around the data analytics firm gets stranger.

On Oct 30, 2017 by Ellen Ioanes

Woman entering firearm into evidence

What the ATF does—and doesn’t—tell us about guns in America

The ATF's data gives us an incomplete picture—but there's a clear reason for that.

On Oct 8, 2017 by Ellen Ioanes

Cambridge Analytica logo split between an iPhone and an Android phone

Use an iPhone? Here’s what this Trump-linked data firm knows about you

A firm hired by the Trump campaign knows a lot about you.

On Sep 25, 2017 by Ellen Ioanes

trump cabinet members

We FOIA’d every Trump Cabinet member’s travel records—here’s what we got back

A very political travel series.

On Jul 12, 2017 by Ellen Ioanes