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Screengrab via Boo Ya Pictures/YouTube

This Netflix parody hits dangerously close to home

Stop judging our binges, Netflix.


Joey Keeton

Internet Culture

We’ve all been there: You’re sitting on the couch, an empty plate beside you that you ate all the food off of an hour ago, eyes glazed over and muscles atrophied—you wait 20 seconds to pass for Netflix to autoplay the next episode of whatever show you’ve been binging.

And then that screen pops up. “Are you still watching?”

You look around for the remote—it’s all the way across the living room, and you curse the gods for making you stand up and retrieve it so you can hit “Enter” on it and watch the next episode of Twin Peaks.

The first time, you rationalize it. “I suppose they’re trying to help me,” you might say to yourself. “If I’d accidentally left this on, I could have ended up wasting a lot of data.” By the third time, though, there’s no question about it: Netflix knows damn well that you’re still watching, and that you’ll still be watching for a long time, and now it’s just flat-out judging you for watching nine hours of television. 

If this scenario sounds familiar—and it should, because, as the first sentence states, we’ve all been there—this YouTube video is for you:

You judge us because we can’t stop watching you, and then you have the audacity to add yourself to our phones and tablets? The nerve of you, Netflix! The nerve!

H/T A.V. Club | Screengrab via Boo Ya Pictures/YouTube

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