lemon roll

Twitter / @sakeriver

Everyone is mesmerized by this video of a lemon rolling down the street

Go lemon go!


Stacey Ritzen

Internet Culture

Sometimes, it’s the little things that make life worth living. A nice cup of coffee on a quiet Sunday morning, for example. Or the feeling of crawling into a bed with freshly laundered sheets. Or sometimes, it’s watching a lemon rolling down the street.

Say what?

That’s what happened to San Diego-based writer and photographer Mike Sakasegawa, who witnessed an errant lemon rolling down the street while walking home from a run. He writes on Twitter that he followed it for about a quarter of a mile, documenting nearly two minutes of its journey on video before it came to an eventual stop. (Sorry, spoiler alert!)

In the less than 24 hours since the video was posted to Twitter, its been viewed over 1.3 million times (at the time of this writing) with over 18,000 retweets 63,000 likes. For some odd reason, people find footage of a lemon slowly rolling down a hill super mesmerizing.



Although the end of the video seems oddly relatable and depressing—as in that lemon is all of us, giving up in 2018—fear not, because the story has a happy ending. Sakasegawa retrieved the poor lemon from the gutter and it now lives intact in his kitchen, although he’s not sure what he’s going to do with it yet.

And then this happened:

Yes, agreed. Motion to only allow lemon-related content on Twitter going forward. Clearly, it will pass in a landslide.

The Daily Dot