Tom Hardy doing a Bane impression with his dog


This video of Tom Hardy doing Bane for his dog is timeless

The dog’s face says it all.


Audra Schroeder

Internet Culture

It’s never a bad time for a video of Tom Hardy reciting the Bane speech to his dog to resurface.

The clip seems to have originated in 2016, possibly from a Hardy fan site: It’s lived on an unofficial fan channel since then, but has also migrated to Instagram and Twitter, and has spiked again this week. The dog in the video appears to be his beloved dog Woody, who passed away in 2017. Hardy wrote the pup a long tribute.

“You think darkness is your ally?” he says, reciting part of Bane’s speech from 2012’s The Dark Knight. “You merely adopted the darkness. I was born in it, moulded by it.”

By the end of the speech he captures Woody’s subtle eye-roll. Or maybe it’s the cup.

The Daily Dot