students canada photo space balloon

Screengrab via _seamaster/Reddit

High school students took these near-space photos with a balloon

This sure beats the field trip to the local art museum.


Phillip Tracy

Internet Culture

High school students in Winnipeg, Canada captured remarkable images from a balloon they sent up to “near-space.”

The first photo was uploaded to Reddit by user _seamaster, a student involved in the project.

It received 61,000 upvotes after it was posted

students canada photo space balloon
Screengrab via _seamaster/Reddit

River East Collegiate posted an article last Friday that includes several equally stunning shots.

canadian students high altitude balloon images
Screengrab via _seamaster/Reddit
canadian students high altitude balloon images
Screengrab via _seamaster/Reddit

Another redditor claiming to be the tracker of the payload says the balloon was at around 20 kilometers high, or 65,000 feet, when the first photo was taken. It traveled over 100 miles across Manitoba. The balloon was filled with helium, which could be remotely adjusted to change its height. Attached was a payload made of Styrofoam filled with an Arduino microcontroller, sensors, and two Mobius action cameras.

canadian students high altitude balloon images
Photo via River East Collegiate

It should be noted that these images were taken using a fish-eye lens, which may have distorted the curvature of the Earth, creating a “bulge.”

canadian students high altitude balloon images
Photo via River East Collegiate

The students say they want to try this again next year using a standard lens camera to see the Earth’s true curvature.

The Daily Dot