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The #StrandedBae saga is tearing Twitter—and families—apart

Whose side are you on?


David Covucci

Internet Culture

Sit down, pour a cup of coffee, and get ready because the #StrandedBae saga is a lot to unpack. Last night, the hashtag took over Twitter, with everyone chiming in and taking sides.

The tale begins with @__iamqueenk.

So that’s act one. She flies to D.C. to see a man. At the airport for her return trip, her flight gets canceled. Instead of picking her up and helping her out, her man goes out and parties, leaving her stranded.

Hence, #StrandedBae.

But @KashMoneyKanee, after getting dragged, deserves to tell his side, and he has a totally different story.


Speaking of rats, #StrandedBae accused @KashMoneyKanee of having a rodent infestation.

Not many believed his side of the story, though.

Eventually, others started chiming in with experiences they’d allegedly had with #StrandedBae, claiming she’d pulled moves like this before.



There are several other threads like that, all accusing the woman of similar behavior. #StrandedBae denied those.

Even #StrandedBae’s mom jumped in.

The mouse got its own parody account and started sparring with the mother.

Anyway, the whole experience left Twitter perplexed.

If you can figure out who to believe, you’ve got the rest of the internet beat.

#StrandedBae did not respond to a request for comment over Twitter.

@KashMoneyKanee, though, had the right response.


Update 9:18am, Feb. 24: The Daily Dot spoke to both @KashMoneyKanee and @__iamqueenk to get their sides of the story. Read the definitive oral history of the #StrandedBae saga.

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