
This video of an orange exploding in slow motion is incredibly satisfying

Don’t shed any tears for the orange. We’re sure it lived a long and fulfilling life.

Photo of Alex La Ferla

Alex La Ferla

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Do you enjoy slow motion explosions? Of course you do. You have two eyes and a heart, don’t you? May we present, for your viewing pleasure, a video of a gentleman blowing up a bunch of oranges in slow motion

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“Today I had a few oranges that decided to go bad on me so I decided, ‘Why not explode it [sic]?,’” Dima, one-half of the YouTube duo Slow Mo Lab, says before stuffing the above-mentioned oranges with fireworks. Indeed, sir, why not?

In the video, Dima shoves a blooming flower firework packed with 1.4 grams of explosives into a pre-cut hole in one of his oranges. After lighting and positioning the firework, Dima shuffles over a few feet, to what still seems like an uncomfortably close position for watching an explosion. Thankfully, no one is hurt, and the result is some pretty awesome slow motion footage.


To capture the blasts, Dima and his partner Taras, who have also blown up a watermelon, a battery, and a powder coffee creamer, used a slow motion Phantom V2010 camera, first at 25,000 frames per seconds and then at even slower 62,000 frames per second. 

We know this looks cool, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t offer a brief disclaimer: Don’t try this at home, kids, or a little juice in your eye might be the least of your concerns. 

H/T Digg | Photo via cogdogblog/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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