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How to pronounce the names of every Pokémon in Pokémon Go

Crygonal? Chandelure? Honedge?


Colette Bennett

Internet Culture

If you’ve never played or watched Pokémon in your life before Pokémon Go came out, you’ve probably been too busy capturing gyms and spinning PokéStops to be worried about how to say each Pokémon’s name correctly. Whether or not it has a high CP is all that matters, right?

That is, until you yell “Cay-ter-pie!” (not that you would be this excited about seeing one, but work with us here) and another trainer looks at you narrowly and says, “You mean ‘Cat-ter-pee?‘”

It’s a case of tomato, tomah-toe. Or in this case, Pokémon, Pokéman. (To be clear, Pokéman is wrong—we just say it like that for fun sometimes.) The truth is Pokémon name pronunciation can be inconsistent from the Pokémon games to books to TV shows. Fans and media have argued about the pronunciation of some Pokémon for years. For our purposes, we’ll be following The Official Pokémon Handbook.

Check out this list if you want to look Poké-savvy the next time you go hunting in a densely populated place. And yes, all 151 critters in the Pokémon Go game are here.

1. Bulbasaur – BUL-buh-sore

2. Ivysaur – EYEvee-sore

3. Venusaur – VEE-nuh-sore

4. Charmander – CHAR-man-der

5. Charmeleon – char-MEAL-ee-ehn

6. Charizard – CHAR-i-zard

7. Squirtle – SKWUR-tull

8. WartortleWAR-tor-tull

9. Blastoise BLAST-oys

10. Caterpie CAT-er-pee

11. Metapod – MET-uh-pod

12. Butterfree – BUT-er-free

13. Weedle – WEE-dull

14. Kakuna – ka-KOO-nuh

15. Beedrill – BEE-drill

16. Pidgey – PID-jee

17. Pidgeotto – pid-JYO-toe

18. Pidgeot – PID-jit (though lots of people prefer pidg-e-ott)

19. Rattata – ruh-TA-tah

20. Raticate – RAT-i-kate

21. Spearow – SPEER-oh

22. Fearow – FEER-oh

23. Ekans – ECK-ehns

24. Arbok – AR-bock

25. Pikachu – PEEK-uh-chew

26. Raichu – RYE-chew

27. Sandshrew – SAND-shroo

28. Sandslash – SAND-slash

29. Nidoran? – nee-door-ANN

30. Nidorina – nee-door-EE-nuh

31. Nidoqueen – nee-doe-QUEEN

32. Nidoran? – nee-door-ANN

33. Nidorino – nee-door-EE-no

34. Nidoking – nee-doe-KING

35. Clefairy – cluh-FAIR-ee

36. Clefable – cluh-FAY-bull

37. Vulpix – VULL-picks

38. Ninetales – NINE-tales

39. Jigglypuff – jigg-lee-PUFF

40. Wigglytuff – wigg-lee-TUFF

41. Zubat – ZOO-bat 

42. Golbat – GOAL-bat

43. Oddish – ODD-ish

44. Gloom – gloom

45. Vileplum – VILE-ploom

46. Paras – PASS-is

47. Parasect – PAR-i-sect

48. Venonat – VENN-oh-nat

49. Venomoth – VENN-oh-moth

50. Diglett – DIG-lit

51. Dugtrio – dug-TREE-oh

52. Meowth – me-OUTH

53. Persian – PURR-shin

54. Psyduck – SYE-duck

55. Golduck – GOAL-duck

56. Mankey – MANK-ee

57. Primeape – PRIME-ape

58. Growlithe – GROWL-ith

59. Arcanine – ar-kuh-NINE

60. Poliwag – POL-ee-wag

61. Poliwhirl – POL-ee-wurl

62. Poliwrath – POL-ee-rath

63. Abra – AB-ruh

64. Kadabra -ka-DA-bruh

65. Alakazam – al-uh-kuh-ZAM 

66. Machop – MAH-chop

67. Machoke -MAH-choke

68. Machamp – MAH-champ

69. Bellsprout – BELL-sprout

70. Weepinbell – WEEP-in-bell

71. Victreebel – VICK-tree-bell

72. Tentacool – TENT-uh-cool

73. Tentacruel – TENT-uh-crool

74. Geodude – GEE-oh-dood

75. Graveler – GRAV-el-er

76. Golem – GOAL-um

77. Ponyta – Po-NEE-tuh

78. Rapidash – RAP-i-dash

79. Slowpoke – SLOW-poke

80. Slowbro – SLOW-bro

81. Magnemite – MAG-nuh-mite

82. Magneton – MAG-nuh-tun

83. Farfetch’d – FAR-fetcht

84. Duduo – DOE-doo-oh

85. Dodrio – doh-DREE-oh

86. Seel – SEEL

87. Dewgong – DOO-gong

88. Grimer – GRIME-er

89. Muk – MUCK

90. Shellder – SHELL-der

91. Cloyster – CLOY-stir

92. Gastly – GAST-lee

93. Haunter- HAWN-ter

94. Gengar – GANG-are

95. Onix – ON-icks

96. Drowsee – DROW-zee

97. Hypno – HIP-no

98. Krabby – CRA-bee

99. Kingler – KING-ler

100. Voltorb – VOL-torb

101.Electrode – ee-LECK-trode 

102. Exeggcute – EGGS-egg-cute

103. Exeguttor – ggs-EGG-you-tor 

104. Cubone – CUE-bone 

105. Marowak – MAR-row-ack

106. Hitmonlee – HIT-moan-lee

107. Hitmonchan – HIT-moan-chan

108. Lickitung – LICK-i-tung

109. Koffing – CAWF-ing

110. Weezing – WEEZE-ing

111. Rhyhorn – RYE-horn

112. Rhydon – RYE-donn

113. Chansey – CHAN-see

114. Tangela – TANG-guh-luh

115. Kangaskhan- KANG-gus-con

116. Horsea – HORSE-ee 

117. Seadra – See-druh 

118. Goldeen – GOAL-deen

119. Seaking – SEE-king

120. Staryu – STAR-you

121. Starmie – STAR-me

122. Mr. Mime – MIS-ter mime

123. Scyther – SYE-ther

124. Jynx – jincks

125. Electabuzz – Uh-LECK-tuh-buzz

126. Magmar – MAG-mar 

127. Pinsir – PIN-sir

128. Tauros – TOR-ose

129. Magikarp – MAG-i-karp

130. Gyarados – GAR-i-dose

131. Lapras – LAP-russ

132. Ditto – DID-oh

133. Eevee – EE-vee

134. Vaporeon – Vay-POR-ey-on 

135. Jolteon – JOLT-e-on 

136. Flareon – FLARE-ae-on

137. Porygon – POR-eh-gon 

138. Omanyte – AHM-uh-nite

139. Omastar – AHM-uh-star

140. Kabuto – Kuh-BOO-toe 

141. Kabutops – Kuh-BOO-tops

142. Aerodactyl – Air-oh-DACK-tull

143. Snorlax – SNORE-lacks

144. Articuno – Are-ti-KOO-no

145. Zapdos – ZAP-dose

146. Moltres – MOLE-trace

147. Dratini – Druh-TEE-nee

148. Dragonair – Drag-uh-NAIR

149. Dragonite – Drag-uh-NITE 

150. Mewtwo – MYU-too

151. Mew – myu

WATCH MORE: Our beginner’s guide to Pokémon GO:

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