jerry nadler and adam schiff

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Dems bumbling close to impeachment is an extremely relatable meme

“That’s that East Coast-West Coast feud.”


Claire Goforth

Internet Culture

While most of you were sleeping or absorbing The Good Place series finale last night, the questioning portion of the Senate impeachment trial lumbered to a close—but not without one last moment of high calamity.

After Chief Justice John Roberts read the final question of the proceedings, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) stood to give the Democrats’ answer. Before he took more than a step towards the podium, out of nowhere Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) blindsided him and rushed to the microphone as Schiff called, “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry,” in an attempt to stop him.

No dice. Nadler had something to say and he wasn’t letting anyone, not even the lead impeachment manager, get in his way.

The moment immediately went viral.

MAGA world was highly amused by the apparent conflict between the Democrats. Republicans, including some of their biggest social media stars, used it as an excuse to poke fun at the congressmen’s weight, physical appearance, and intellect; Nadler’s gait; and mock them specifically and Democrats generally in other similarly highbrow fashion.

As the hits kept coming, Republican politicians and right-wing media joined in on the fun. Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.) tweeted, “Sidelined Nadler—who even Schiff is apparently embarrassed byjumps to give us one last condescending monologue for the night. @realDonaldTrump‘s acquittal is only a matter of time.”

Conservative outlet Town Hall penned an article about the “hilarious” dust-up, writing on Twitter, “Thank you for the much-needed laugh, Schiff.”

The drama enticed the subject of impeachment himself, President Donald Trump, gleefully tweeting, “They are fighting big time!”

The conflict didn’t take long to become a meme. “That’s that east coast west coast feud,” one person joked.

Later today, the Senate will vote on whether it will call witnesses and introduce additional evidence.


The Daily Dot