Internet Culture

5 things I learned from watching lesbians watch lesbian porn

YouTube star Davey Wavey’s latest reaction video helps dispel some myths about lesbian sex. 

Photo of Fidel Martinez

Fidel Martinez

Here’s something that might come as a shock to you: Lesbian porn is actually meant for men.

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To prove this point, Davey Wavey—a fitness guru and gay YouTube user best known for asking gay men what they thought of vaginas, lesbians for their insights on the penis, and senior citizens for their feelings on gay sex—sat down several lesbians and asked them to watch a pornographic video of two ladies getting it on.

The general consensus amongst the interviewees was that not only were these videos not an actual reflection of real life, but that they were obscene and off-putting. In other words, lesbian porn is just like every other type of porn.


In addition to dispelling myths held by clueless guys and being all kinds of hilarious, Davey Wavey’s video is full of wonderful insights for your typical, heteronormative male. We’ve listed the best of them below.

  • A lesbian who has never had a sexual encounter with a man is referred to as a “gold star lesbian.”

  • Working off of the previous bullet point, most lesbians don’t actually enjoy having stuff jammed inside their nether regions. As a result, you can tell that the women who star in lesbian videos are actually straight because of how much they seem to enjoy to being penetrated.

  • Lesbians prefer for fingernails to be properly trimmed.

  • Women who enjoy having sex with other women do not enjoy fellatioing or licking high-heeled shoes. For starters, they’re lesbians and are therefore not turned on by phallic-shaped items. Secondly, it’s highly unsanitary.

  • Consistency is key.

H/T: Gawker | Photo via wickydkewl/YouTube

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