Man catches bat in kitchen

Screengrabs via Tadhg Fleming/Facebook Remix by Jason Reed

Poor Irish dad freaks out while trying to get a bat out of his kitchen

It’s not easy to remove a bat.


David Britton

Internet Culture

There’s a reason Bruce Wayne chose to dress as a bat. Bats, however useful and important they might be, are freaking terrifying. Anyone who tells you differently is either a liar or crazy.

This Facebook video is the perfect example how people typically react when a bat gets into their house. Even a small one like this can cause men to panic and dogs to wet the floor.

What we have here seems to be a (fairly useless) son who decided to film his poor father trying his best to catch a rogue bat that’s flown into their kitchen while his (also useless) mother cowers behind a door watching the adventure unfold.

Tadhg Fleming posted the video to Facebook on Tuesday and, as of this writing, it’s closing in on nearly a million view.

Fleming also posted the video to Twitter where people seemed to fall in love with it.

By the way, this Batdad is not to be confused with the equally hilarious, but markedly different, Batdad of Vine fame.

In an interview with Fleming described exactly what went down that evening.

Panic ensued when the bat entered the kitchen from the backdoor. My father with my football shorts and long woolly socks tried to first catch the bat with a tea towel. He then opted for a larger towel which my mother (Maureen) had just ironed.

Hopefully, Maureen wasn’t too upset about the use of her freshly ironed towel. It seems like a small price to pay to rid one’s house of flying rodents.

The Daily Dot