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Dudes on Reddit turn gym shorts into cute, form-fitting dresses

While most of America spent Sunday watching football, Breaking Bad, or The Newsroom, dozens of redditors were doing this.


Fernando Alfonso III

Internet Culture

While most of America spent Sunday watching football, Breaking Bad, or The Newsroom, more than two dozen Reddit users were busy transforming oversized gym shorts into form-fitting dresses. 

The latest fashion trend took off late Sunday night after one redditor posted the following how-to Imgur album on Reddit’s r/funny forum, based on a Tumblr post by Sol Solomon

“I just had to explain to my wife that the reason I ripped my new shorts was being I was trying to turn them into a dress,” citizenshame commented


Not to be left out, a few female redditors decided to give the short dress a shot.


It’s your move, Tom Ford

UPDATE: Reddit’s Fashion Week continues with turtleneck dresses!

Photos via Reddit

The Daily Dot