We're All Gonna Die podcast discusses Uranium One

Photo via Patrick Breitenbach/Flickr chrisgeidner/Twitter (CC-BY) Remix by Jason Reed

‘We’re All Gonna Die,’ ep. 25: Laura Loomer loses it

Charts and crafts.


Ramon Ramirez

Internet Culture

This week, Twitter came for its fringes and began the great Verification Badge purge of 2017. Many of the far-right’s most absurd and racist voices complained like the big babies they are.

White nationalist Richard Spencer tweeted about his persecution complex. Comedian turned racist troll Baked Alaska was, seriously, spotted outside of an area fast food restaurant livestreaming his feelings. And Laura Loomer, who complained about Muslim Uber drivers, went on a tweetstorm we had a hard time finding … because she’s no longer verified on Twitter.

The Daily Dot gang then all bragged about being verified users on Twitter. There’s really not much else like it when you’re but a humble reporter digging for clues.

Later on, the We’re All Gonna Die podcast gang unpacked the week’s most stupid chart. All that plus a Thanksgiving Day-draft of sides, 20 ways to beat the heat this summer, and the one heist that had all the neighborhood kids in a dilly of a pickle.

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