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Police arrest dude who made fake Facebook page for their department

A little satire is a dangerous thing.


Elijah Watson

Internet Culture

If you’re planning on creating a fake Facebook account for your local police force, you may want to think again. The City of Parma Police Department, for one, is cracking down on parody accounts and taking names.

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Ohio man Anthony Novak, 27, has been charged with disrupting public services by creating a fake Facebook account called “The City of Parma Police Department.” The bogus page featured items about how sex offenders could remove themselves from state sex offender databases and a host of other content you probably wouldn’t expect to see on a Facebook page for a police department (which is why police are arguing that Novak posted “derogatory and inflammatory” information).

Inevitably, people were pissed about the arrest—to the point where they made two other parody accounts, including “Jerks of City of Parma Police Department,” which wisely and humorously adds that it’s a parody account—and left savage Facebook comments for the actual police department.

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Seriously, guys. There are a million things you could be doing besides charging someone for a parody account. And if your goal is to abolish all anti-police sentiment from the Internet, well, good luck and godspeed.

H/T CBS | Photo via City of Parma Police Department/Facebook

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