donald trump russia financial ties

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Trump lawyer: President has no financial ties to Russia, ‘with a few exceptions’

The #withfewexceptions hashtag was almost immediately born.


Josh Katzowitz

Internet Culture

Whether Donald Trump releases his taxes while he’s in office, even though he says nobody cares, or if he releases them after he’s done with the presidency, he wants you to know that there’s nothing in them that should cause any concern.

Especially when it comes to Russia and whether Trump has any financial ties to the country ruled by Vladimir Putin.

And now he’s had his lawyers prove it. They stated today there are no ties to Russia.

With, um, a few possible exceptions.

This might not surprise Eric Trump, who reportedly told a golf writer in 2014 that his father didn’t need banks to fund Trump-branded golf courses, because “we have all the funding we need out of Russia.”

As the Associated Press reported Friday, the letter from Trump’s representation said he has no “equity investment by Russians in entities controlled by Trump or debt owed by Trump to Russian lenders.” But the letter also said Trump’s tax returns does show income from the Miss Universe pageant that was held in Moscow in 2013 and for a “property sold to a Russian billionaire in 2008 for $95 million.”

But the details didn’t really matter, because immediately after the Associated Press broke that tweet, the hashtag #WithFewExceptions began blowing up on Twitter.

Since Trump hasn’t released his tax returns, it’s hard to know if the lawyer’s letter is accurate in the first place. But the hashtag made Twitter happy, and if Trump knows how to do anything, it’s to bring joy to social media users. With AFew. Exceptions.

You can read the full letter below.

The Daily Dot