Internet Culture

The man behind ‘Mittballs’ is back to ‘make America taste great again’ with ‘Trumplings’

Just when you thought this election couldn’t get weirder…

Photo of April Siese

April Siese

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Given how surreal the 2016 presidential election is, it should come as no surprise that the Internet is hard at work taking its oddness to a whole new level, steering Republican frontrunner Donald Trump toward a more bizarre iteration of himself. Specifically, people have turned him into a dumpling.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the term “trumplings” used to describe either the New York business mogul’s children or his adoring fans. But Adam Parker, the man behind the 2012 culinary candidacy creation Mittballs, decided to redefine the term, creating the culinary delight known as Trumplings.

“In 2012 Mittballs evolved organically, and was very ‘zero to one’—a culinary combination of the likes had yet to be realized,” Parker said in an email interview with the Daily Dot. “This time was harder. There were many other foods and faces discussed, but when the word ‘Trumpling’ came up it was immediately clear what needed to be done.”

Fire up the official Trumplings website and you will immediately be weirded out by the fact that Trump’s typically tawny skin tone actually blends fairly well with the dynamic Asian treat. It’s a bit of an upgrade from the downright overwhelming inundation of Mittballs that restricted the spread of Parker’s 2012 efforts.


Accompanying the Trumplings and some Trump quips (examples include “I beat China all the time!” and “They’re laughing at us!”) is a disembodied-head endorsement from former Alaska Gov. Sarah PalinDoes Parker think she’s a shoo-in for that VP slot? He referred to the possibility as “a dream” but said he found Palin’s return to the GOP ticket highly unlikely.

“With a candidate as colorful as Mr. Trump, his VP has got to be quiet, reserved, and predictable,” Parker said. “Maybe Jeb would be up for the job?”

For all we know, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush may be the one pulling the strings behind that thatched bamboo steamer filled with Trumplings.

As goofy as the concept is, it’s hopefully not that far off from what’s really afoot in The Donald’s momentous campaign.

Parker is desperately awaiting the day when RNC Chairman Reince Priebus (or Jeb) emerges from the shadows of the Republican debate stage—perhaps even during the next debate—and finally tells the country that the joke’s over.

“The punchline should be coming any day now,” Parker begs. “Right? Please?”

It’s this desperation for the 2016 election to refocus on viable candidates that has pushed Parker—a former Vermont resident and unabashed Bernie Sanders supporter—toward the GOP once more for an exercise in absurdity. Parker, who serves as communications director for the “social impact firm”, hasn’t sat idle between election cycles, either. By now, his coworkers are in on the joke, and he’s certainly not ruling out a successor to Trumplings—no matter how hard that is to swallow.

“I’m not sure I could stomach another,” Parker said of his politically minded aperitif to the world. “Although Bloomberg could prove an interesting subject. Shroomberg? Blooming onion? I’m open to suggestions.”

Photo via

The Daily Dot