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The Cookie Face Challenge is the most delicious new viral meme

1) Place cookie on head. 2) Try to eat cookie. 3) Try not to laugh.


EJ Dickson

Internet Culture

Do you like cookies? Of course you do; you have a working olfactory system and a tummy, don’t you? But the question is, do you love cookies so much that you’d be willing to kill for them? Or, at the very least, humiliate yourself on the Internet for them?

If so, you should check out the “Cookie Face Challenge,” which is about to become your new favorite meme—like the Ice Bucket Challenge, but with more cookies and less do-goodery. In essence, the challenge asks you to place a chocolate-chip cookie on your forehead and try to get it into your mouth—but only by using your facial muscles, and without using your hands and/or feet. As one can probably imagine, hilarity ensues.

The Cookie Challenge has been around forever, if this 2010 clip is any indication. But it enjoyed something of a revival last week, when Shaquille O’Neal bravely attempted it on TNT’s Inside the NBA. Although he made a valiant effort, he didn’t quite manage to get the cookie into his mouth—instead, it kinda just ended up slip-sliding onto his shoulder.

But that hasn’t stopped other courageous souls from taking on the Cookie Face Challenge. Sixers center Joel Embiid, for instance, took on the Cookie Face Challenge last week, as did Katie Nolan of FOX Sports, who didn’t end up faring much better than Shaq.

On Vine, it’s starting to catch on:

Best of luck to future challengers, but speaking as someone who does this on a daily basis because I’m too lazy to feed myself with my hands, I have to say that I’m really not impressed.

H/T Business Insider | Screengrab via FOX Sports

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