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Why updating your profile will improve your life

The effects of updating your profile regularly go much farther than just lookin’ good online. Here’s why. 


Beth Cook

Internet Culture

Beth Cook is a business and relationship coach. Want advice? Have advice? Send her an email at

I swear, almost every other day I receive a software update notification. iTunes and Safari (who uses that?) must be under constant reconstruction… and don’t even get me started on Acrobat Reader.

It’s the same with my phone. Right this second my App Store icon shows that 40 apps need updating. Jesus!

We are constantly being asked to update software on our devices, and in some cases it’s worth complying (sorry, Safari). This lead me to wonder—should we be regularly updating our digital identities as well? Changing Facebook profile photos, OkCupid self-summaries, and LinkedIn job descriptions?

The conclusion I’ve come to is a resounding YES. Here’s why:

1) You’ll get a fresh perspective. The mere act of sitting down to update your profiles will inspire you to think about who you are, what you want and whether your profiles are representing that. If you’re looking for a new job, maybe it’s time to swap out your party-guy Facebook profile pic from the summer. If you want to attract relationship material on OkC, mark that you’re interested in “long-term” commitments. Figuring out what you want is crucial, as is accurately representing yourself, online and off; it’s the only way to get what you want (your dream job/guy/gal).

2) People will notice you. Seems obvious, but updating your profile is a great way to get on peoples’ radar. OkCupid loves to promote people who are active online (i.e., regularly change their profiles and pics) because it means they are making a concerted effort to get dates. You’ll fly up to the top of search results. And a new Facebook pic or LinkedIn update will get you in newsfeeds for all of your friends, colleagues and acquaintances to see. This is key if you are looking for dates, jobs, or new activity partners—people will think of you!

3) You’ll look awesome (because you are). Prospective employers, dates, and your regular old friends should know about all of the cool things you’re up to. By sharing photos of your trip to Italy, your mountain bike, and your new job title, you’ll look productive, adventurous, and just downright cool—’cause you are, right?

4) You’ll feel awesome too. Change doesn’t happen by itself. You can’t sit around hoping opportunities will come your way if you don’t take any action. By changing your online identity to match the person you are becoming, you will feel incredibly good about yourself—which makes you a better candidate for everything life has to offer. And you deserve it all. Go get ‘em tiger.

Art by m e r a/Flickr

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