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White lies on your dating profile are still lies

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” 

On by Beth Cook

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Do we want more mystery in online dating, or less?

Mystery is an important part of dating. How much mystery do you like online?

On by Beth Cook

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Why updating your profile will improve your life

The effects of updating your profile regularly go much farther than just lookin’ good online. Here’s why. 

On by Beth Cook

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Learn to be happy in 21 days

Giving thanks isn’t just for one day a year.

On by Beth Cook

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Putting the sexual double standard to bed

Women get blamed for having sex when they want it and for being prude when they don’t.

On by Beth Cook

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Stop whining and start dating online

80% of singles still aren’t using the dating tool at their fingertips.

On by Beth Cook

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How will your relationship end?

Believe it or not, you probably know already. 

On by Beth Cook

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10 marketing lessons that will up your dating game

Marketing 101, for online dating. 

On by Beth Cook

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Is OkCupid the new place to meet… friends?

What’s with the new rush to friendship after dates that go out with a whimper?

On by Beth Cook

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Why it’s good to risk getting hacked—or dumped—or both

Beth Cook got hacked—and it reminded her of what’s really important in love.

On by Beth Cook

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Communication secrets of online dating

There are a few secrets to not only communicating well, but for assessing whether you’ll be a good match (or not). 

On by Beth Cook

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Are you an online dating monster?

If this sounds like you, you may have reached an online dating saturation point. Here’s what to do.

On by Beth Cook

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The math of dating rejection

Apparently, there’s some real numbers involved. Here’s how many frogs you have to get through before you meet your prince/princess.

On by Beth Cook

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Want a date? Please don’t cut & paste

There are some dead giveaways for the cut & paste job. Don’t be fooled (or try to pull one over). 

On by Beth Cook

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To stand out in the online dating crowd, quit flaking

The biggest obstacle to online dating success might just be systemic flakiness. 

On by Beth Cook

The Daily Dot