Teacher grading papers

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Did a student find out he was failing a class on Twitter?

It’s complicated.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

Nowadays, almost anything you do in public can be blasted all over the internet. Even the most mundane of tasks could become the internet’s next obsession. A teacher at Howard University probably assumed that grading some papers on a flight was not going to wind up all over social media. But a half million likes and retweets later, Twitter is obsessed with the identity of one failing student.

It started when “roy,” a graphic designer, tweeted out that he saw a Howard University professor grading papers on a flight. One person’s test stuck out to him.

Rough life. Immediately, Twitter started a hashtag to try and find the student.





And it worked.

He said a friend saw the viral tweet and sent it to him.

Jones even responded to people who were hunting for him.

Some were worried his parents might not appreciate their son bombing out of college.


But… nah.

One person even took it upon himself to fix Jones’ Twitter bio.

The only problem with all this? There’s more than one Taiwan Jones on Twitter. Both have Howard University in their bios, but that’s easy enough to add before tweeting.


Even weirder, Howard doesn’t show any records for a Taiwan Jones in its directory. It’s possible that the student is enrolled with another name but goes by Taiwan.

Neither Taiwan Jones responded to requests for comment on Twitter.

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