
This toddler steals baby Jesus during Christmas play, nearly ignites a brawl

This is hilarious.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

Baby Jesus doll play

It’s always advisable to take video of young children trying to perform a play on stage—for the sentimental value of the loving parents and for the viral nature of what can occur when, in this case, one kid tries to steal the baby Jesus.

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Need proof? Watch the video below when a sweet moment nearly turns into a church brawl.

As the Knoxville News Sentinel notes, this occurred at the First Baptist Church of White Pine with 2-year-old Teegan Benson taking the doll and 3-year-old Collia Weems trying to return Jesus back to the manger.


As Teegan’s mother, Tana, explained to the newspaper, “She (Teegan) pulls back the little blanket, and I thought, ‘Oh no.’ So she gets the baby Jesus, and Mary, which is Collia Weems, she is a stickler for the rules, and she knew that Teegan wasn’t supposed to have the baby Jesus, so she was real quick to let her know ‘Hey, let me get that back and put it back so we can do what we’re supposed to do,’ and Teegan wasn’t having it. She thought, ‘I’ve got this.’”

Luckily, cooler heads prevailed, a potential brawl was averted, and the police were not called to the scene.

H/T Mashable

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