
Cat video to play on 15 billboards in Times Square every night

Sounds purrfect.

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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Lots of people dream of seeing their name up in lights in Times Square one day. But they’ll have to get in line behind one lucky cat.

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According to the Verge, a three-minute video of a cat sipping milk will take over 15 billboards in the heart of Manhattan each evening for the rest of February. It runs from 11:57pm until midnight, and it is exactly what it sounds like. No surprises, just a feline enjoying a delicious dairy treat.

This brilliant art is part of Times Square Alliance’s “Midnight Moment,” which has featured a different video clip every month since April 2012. Last month we got treated to “Heart of a Dog,” so is it possible that we’re trending toward ~Internet~ content? Not sure, but hot diggity dog, we’d be excited about Pepe conquering Times Square. And if you’re curious, there’s more info on the video at the Midnight Moment site


Now all those Times Square performers will have yet another thing to compete with for attention. Good thing it’s a short month. 

H/T The Verge | Screenshot via Acce Pointtopoint/YouTube

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