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Photo via Erin Holsonback/Our Most Precious Burrito

Happy couple welcomes baby burrito in heartwarming family photos

No, you can’t have a bite.


David Britton

Internet Culture

“They say that the road ain’t no place to start a family,” sang Journey frontman Steve Perry on the their 1983 hit “Faithfully.”

Wisdom as true for standup comedians as it is for musicians. Spending all your days on the road and your nights in bars talking about farts and genitals—it isn’t an easy life to bring kids into.

Maybe that’s why comedians Ella Gale and M.K. Paulsen decided to split a burrito instead. Luckily, they chose to capture this magical time in their lives with the help of photographer Erin Holsonback of An Indoor Lady.

The Daily Dot caught up with Gale and Paulsen via email. They were kind enough to answer some questions about the blessed event and their plans for the future.

Many people view having a burrito as a very personal thing. What made you decide to share your experience with the world?

Ella: Having a burrito is such an incredible experience that it seemed ridiculous to keep it to ourselves.

Was this burrito planned, or was it more of a “happy surprise”?

M.K.: When I first met Ella, I thought to myself, “I am going to have a burrito with that woman one day!” And sure enough I was right. I couldn’t be happier!

Can you share how this burrito has changed your outlook on life?

M.K.: Absolutely nothing can prepare you to have a burrito, and while it is wonderful, it can be difficult at times. Our little burrito always comes first! It may seem silly, but I remember my parents telling me how the world changed when they had a burrito, and I just couldn’t fathom it at the time. But now I know.  

You mentioned that the delivery of the burrito was difficult. Are you comfortable sharing that story?

Ella: The doctor who delivered the burrito was very rude. I mean, I know the job market is rough, and he probably didn’t see himself delivering burritos for a living, but still. One look at our burrito, though, and none of that mattered.

M.K.: I was absolutely shocked at how long it took to have the burrito delivered.  Nobody should have to go through that kind of pain.

In one photo Ella seems to be breastfeeding the burrito. As you’re no doubt aware, public breastfeeding has become a major social issue in the last several years. Is that picture designed to make a political statement?

Ella: I don’t think I should have to leave a public place with my burrito for a feeding. I’ll feed at the opera. If you think my burrito and I are offensive, that says more about you than it does about me.

As standup comedians, the two of you must spend a lot of time on the road. Will you be taking some time off to spend with your burrito? How will this affect your careers?

Ella: We’re both comedians, so we’re definitely worried about whether we can really afford a burrito. Neither of us is planning on taking much time off, but we see burritos at comedy shows all the time, so we’re not too worried. We are committed to making it work! Right now we’re happy with just one burrito, but we would consider having more burritos in the future.

M.K.: Luckily, my mother has volunteered to help us with our burrito as much as necessary.

Sometimes, when people get a burrito, they decide they’re too full and end up throwing it away. Do you think this is their choice to make, or should they be forced to give the burrito to a hungry couple who don’t have a burrito of their own?

Ella: I’m so happy to have a burrito, but not everyone likes burritos. No one should be forced to have a burrito against their will.

M.K.: I agree with Ella that people should be able to have burritos on their terms and when they are ready.

What are your hopes and dreams for your burrito?

M.K.: I can honestly say that I don’t care how our burrito turns out.  I just want the burrito to be healthy and loved! Black beans, brown beans, with or without guac, whatever! I don’t care. As long as there is love there that is all that matters.

Ella: Right now we’re just trying to take it one bite at a time.

Photo via Erin Holsonback/Our Most Precious Burrito

The Daily Dot