bripe coffee brewing pipe

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What in the Bripe is this coffee gadget everyone’s making fun of?

Nobody understands the point.


Jay Hathaway

Internet Culture

Do you ever run out of coffee while you’re on “the go,” and wish you had a portable brewing device that looks like a copper pipe, so you can enjoy freshly brewed coffee while looking like an old-timey steampunk smoker? Of course you don’t. But Bripe exists anyway, and Weird Twitter is mystified by it.

Podcaster and good tweeter Mark Popham brought Bripe to the internet’s attention Tuesday morning, and the reaction was 50 shades of “What the f**k?” The product bills itself as a “portable coffee brew pipe,” but many struggled to understand what that means and why it’s supposed to be good.

The Bripe website is “,” implying that “Bripe” is supposed to be a verb, like the much-maligned “vape.” But vapes at least have an advantage over traditional cigarettes. What does Bripe have over, say, a travel mug? Or a coffee shop? Well, here’s one possibility:

Sold. I will take one of your finest artisanal Bripes, please.

Seriously, though: There have been some positive reviews of the Bripe, although the process for portable brewing coffee seems complicated and easy to screw up. The last thing I want to do before I’ve had my coffee is operate a handheld torch. But if you’re hanging out by a waterfall in the jungle with no other way to get your caffeine fix, you’ll probably wish you had one.

Despite his bemusement at the Bripe’s existence, Popham thinks he might want one. At the very least, he’s offering to give it a fair review.

Please send him one, Bripe founders. Weird Twitter demands answers to its burning Bripe questions.

The Daily Dot