Holly, Bill O'Reilly's corgi

Photo via billoreilly/Twitter

Bill O’Reilly politicizes his corgi, says she wouldn’t kneel for national anthem

He also thinks that his corgi doesn’t have knees.


Tiffany Kelly

Internet Culture

The motive behind the “take a knee” protests that NFL players are participating in is perfectly clear. The simple act of kneeling down during the national anthem is intended to raise awareness about how people of color are treated by police and the criminal justice system. Many conservatives, instead of listening to the people who are kneeling, are choosing to misinterpret the protest. They claim that the action is un-American. Last week, Vice President Mike Pence left a Colts game because he thought that the kneeling players were showing disrespect to the country.

Today, Bill O’Reilly decided to use his poor, oblivious corgi to make the worst take yet on the “take a knee” protests.

So many questions. How do you think Holly is able to sit? Why do you assume Holly wouldn’t support the protest? Why is Holly on a leash inside a house?

The reactions to O’Reilly’s tone-deaf tweet were swift and merciless.



A couple of people suggested that Holly could be the star of a rescue film.



Holly, if you can read the internet, let us know if you’re okay.

The Daily Dot