Alex Jones, of InfoWars, claims Donald Trump is being poisoned by globalists.

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Alex Jones swears he has ‘sources’ who say Trump is being poisoned

The InfoWars host has a new conspiracy theory.


Andrew Wyrich

Internet Culture

InfoWars host Alex Jones has been known to push a lot of crude, incorrect, and outright bizarre conspiracy theories to his followers, but the one he came up with on Monday might just be one of the zaniest.

Jones says he has “direct intel” that globalists are slowly poisoning President Donald Trump, causing him to slur his words and become sluggish by the end of every day.

“I’ve talked to people, multiple ones, and they believe that they are putting a slow sedative that they’re building up that’s also addictive in his Diet Cokes and in his iced tea and that the president by six or seven at night is basically slurring his words and is drugged,” Jones said during his show on Monday. “I’ve talked to people that talk to the president now at nine at night, he is slurring his words. And I’m going to leave it at that. I’ve talked to folks that have talked to him directly.”

Jones said Trump has been drugged for about two months. He also claims he was “risking” his life by telling his audience about the nefarious, unsubstantiated plot.

Media Matters for America first reported on Jones’ conspiracy theory.

“First it’s almost zero, just a tiny bit and then a little more and then your brain subconsciously becomes addicted to it and wants it and so as the dose gets bigger and bigger you get more comfortable in it,” Jones said of the alleged drugging.

The host continued, saying that since Trump’s much-criticized response to violent unrest in Charlottesville, Virginia, he’s become more sluggish. But don’t be fooled, it’s not “the stress of the job,” Jones said, it’s because he’s been drugged.

It isn’t just Trump that’s allegedly been the victim of this president-drugging conspiracy, Jones said. Former President George W. Bush also fell victim to covert drugging, according to Jones, who cited the former president’s post-White House paintings as evidence.

“Between him on the campaign trail and him getting into office, he became a bumbling moron,” Jones said of the former president. “You could look at him, and I could tell you he was drugged up. You look at him today, they admit he’s on a bunch of psychotropics. He sits there naked in his bathtub doing those paintings.”

The reason for this (100 percent unconfirmed and unsubstantiated) plot to poison presidents? The power structure wants puppets, of course.

Given InfoWars’ shaky relationship with facts in the past, it wouldn’t be smart to place too much stock in Jones’ latest assertion. Or, you could just listen to this teenager who summed up InfoWars pretty well

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