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Anonymous is doxing KKK members (and I’m OK with it)

#OpKKK and exposure of Missouri KKK members raise an important question: If it’s for a good cause, is doxing justified?

On by S.E. Smith

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Reddit is creeping on your Facebook photos

The next time you post a bikini pic, it could end up on Reddit, where nearly 17,000 faceless strangers will gawk at you.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Creepshots never went away—we just stopped talking about them

Is there anything the Internet can do to prevent candid photos of women from spreading without their permission?

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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After media scrutiny, Reddit updates privacy policy

Reddit keeps comments even after users have deleted their accounts.

On by Gaby Dunn

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The future of Reddit

Reddit’s success has come from giving the crowd freedom to control Reddit. When that causes problems, the site’s admins see only one viable solution: more user freedom.

On by Kevin Morris

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The 10 most influential people on Reddit in 2012

Through contributions, ideas, and moderator activity, these 10 power users helped shape Reddit’s biggest and most controversial year yet. 

On by Kevin Morris

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Dot Dot Dot: The Internet’s sexual revolution

Is Hunter Moore this generation’s Larry Flynt?

On by Nicholas White

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An ex-stripper’s open letter to Michael Brutsch

An ex-stripper dresses down Michael Brutsch for thinking he’s got a future in the porn industry.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Violentacrez’s short, sad Reddit reappearance

What happened to Michael Brutsch, a.k.a. Violentacrez, the “biggest troll on the Web”? He’s still alive and still has Internet access. Beyond that, only he knows for sure. 

On by Jennifer Abel

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The myth of the meritocratic Web

We think of the Internet as one of the great manifestations of a meritocracy, where the good/interesting/fascinating content rises to the top. Cole Styker takes a hard look at this myth and argues there are less pure motives at work influencing the content that becomes powerful online. 

On by [email protected]

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Scenes from Hallowmeme: The best Internet party IRL

Only at the fourth annual Hallowmeme would you find costumes of violentacrez and Psy impersonators mingling. 

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Ideas for stupid, unrealistic apps

Plus sleeping without an alarm clock, antidepressants and suicidal tendencies, and the idea of banning memes on subreddits.

On by Kevin Morris

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Dot Dot Dot: The doxing mirror

Online trolls can hide behind pseudonyms—until they’re exposed, anyway—but can you really separate an online identity from your “real life?” 

On by Nicholas White

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Infamous Reddit troll Violentacrez apologizes on CNN

Face to face with Anderson Cooper, the notorious troll says he did it for the karma points.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Redditors’ most embarrassing medical stories

Also in today’s Reddit Digest: George Takei needs you, and violentacrez wants a job.

On by Kevin Morris

The Daily Dot