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The rise of Wikipedia, the decline of student writing

The worst effect of Wikipedia is its consequences for student writing.

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Is online popularity really worth anything?

You’d think the Internet would be all about social capital—networking, connections, influence and interactions. Does it actually mean anything online?

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Does online hate silence us?

Bullying expert Rosalind Wiseman gets online hate mail as part of her job. She reminds us that vicious online attacks go beyond the victim—they spread to the victim’s defenders, too. 

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Is the era of the rare book over?

With the onslaught of e-books, what will the “rare book” even look like 50 years from now? 200? Will it exist?

On by [email protected]

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Is Google bringing us too close to art?

The Google Art Project is changing the way we look at masterpieces—and introducing a whole new set of problems. 

On by [email protected]

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Farming in the digital age: Head in the cloud, hands in the dirt

Getting online to get your hands in the dirt in the new age of farming. 

On by [email protected]

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How art history is failing at the Internet

Part of The Way We Think series, Jim Cuno (President & CEO, J. Paul Getty Trust) argues that we are failing to live up to all the possibilities that the Internet offers us for the study of art. 

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Science 3.0: The democractic revolution

Launching The Way We Think series, astrophysicist Martin Rees talks about the impact the Internet is having on the way new science is conducted and reviewed.

On by [email protected]

The Daily Dot