ransomware wannacry

Neo-Nazi website Stormfront has been shut down by its hosting provider

Will it ever come back?

On by Chris Tognotti

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Google refuses to remove Holocaust-denying search result

‘Did the Holocaust happen?’ yields troubling results.

On by David Gilmour

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Donald Trump and the rise of the alt-right

Pro-Trump with a big side of lulz.

On by Amrita Khalid

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Donald Trump supporters dox anti-Trump protester after violence at rally

With just a few tweets, the alleged protester appeared to give away his name, birth date, and address.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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How a disgusting racist meme became an excellent joke about butts


On by Jay Hathaway

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White supremacists think Donald Trump is secretly speaking straight to them

It’s what Trump doesn’t say that counts.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Neo-Nazis defend Donald Trump after Anne Frank’s stepsister calls him ‘Hitler’

Trump is ‘acting like another Hitler,’ she said.

On by Dell Cameron

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Donald Trump shares a neo-Nazi’s Photoshopped image mocking Jeb Bush

White nationalists are cheering.

On by Andrew Couts

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Neo-Nazis are celebrating Donald Trump’s Muslim ban with memes

‘Couldn’t agree more. Trump 2016.’

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Stormfront dating forum reveals the ugly truth about white supremacist romance

White Nationalists get lonely, too.

On by Feliks Garcia

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Donald Trump is winning over the white supremacist vote

Heil Trump!

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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So long, Reddit

Here’s why I’m leaving Reddit—and you should, too.

On by [email protected]

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Why the Internet’s most vile hate group should take responsibility for the Charleston killings

This is how white supremacy spreads.

On by Gillian Branstetter

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What white supremacists are saying about the Charleston shooting

It’s not what you think.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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#WhiteMenProtestSigns mocks today’s white supremacy protests

Will we ever get tired of making fun of privileged white men? Not if Saturday’s all-day worldwide trend is any indication.

On by Aja Romano

The Daily Dot