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Your Facebook videos will reportedly be broken up by ads

Facebook video producers can expect to see a lot more money.


Spotify Premium for Family

Spotify removes all Victory Records releases following revenue dispute

Victory Records: ‘Where are my paychecks for the last six months?’ Spotify: ‘You’re fired.’

On by Joey Keeton

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Blackberry announced a surprise profit, but no one knows what’s next

The company that refuses to die is poised for either a remarkable comeback or a total collapse.

On by Mike Wehner

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Ads on Jimmy Fallon’s YouTube channel could bring NBC $12 million a year

Let the speculation begin.

On by [email protected]

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Amazon is killing itself to compete with Netflix

Maybe Amazon just needs to decide what kind of business it wants to be.

On by Allen Weiner

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YouTube projected to earn over $1 billion in ad revenue in 2014

Despite a revenue increase, YouTube likely won’t increase its market share in the U.S.

On by [email protected]

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China smashes online shopping records on holiday you’ve never heard of

A quirky holiday has been transformed into a bargain bonanza.

On by Miles Klee

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Google’s about to start selling your image to advertisers

The Internet’s newest commercial spokesperson is… you.

On by Miles Klee

The strangest shout-outs in Twitter’s S-1 filing

What do Kevin Durant and Osama bin Laden have in common?

On by Miles Klee

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Pinterest starts testing promoted pins

CEO Ben Silbermann promised the pins will be tasteful, relevant, and transparent.

On by [email protected]

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YouTube expands paid subscription service to new territory

Does this give creators a viable alternative to ad revenue, or should YouTube have abandoned paid channels as a failed experiment ages ago?

On by [email protected]

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A better ecosystem for content creators

Subblime promises to be a more artist-friendly YouTube.

On by Michelle Jaworski

The Daily Dot