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The hostess with the mostest… annoying emails

Have you ever encountered one of these party planning overzealous emailers?

On by Jess Zimmerman

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How to tune out an angry Twitter tirade

Tirade of those Twitter streams that are all outrage and politics? Here’s what to do. 

On by Jess Zimmerman

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When to back away from your online dating mistakes

I thought it was just a neutral little, “Hey, where do we stand?” email!

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Help, I’m patient zero for TV spoilers

Having actually watched it live, I’m dying to talk about it already! 

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Do I really have to use Gchat?

Everyone in the dorm is doing it, but I so don’t wanna. 

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: My baby bump is not an invitation for your baby advice

I’m pregnant and drowning in the onslaught of baby advice. How can I keep it off my social media?

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: When religious politics ruin a Facebook friendship

I get that you’re passionate about your religion. But please, it’s too much already. 

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: Did I just discover my girlfriend’s STD in her search history?

Help, I accidentally discovered “herpes simplex” in my girlfriend’s Google search history. 

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: Is this a tweetup, or are we dating?

Platonic meeting betweet Twitter friends, or the start of something more?

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: The etiquette of doing due diligence on your date

In this day and age, all of you Google before a date, right? What’s the etiquette of how much to reveal you know?

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: The sex tweet I should have run by my girlfriend first

Whoops, we probably should have discussed that one. 

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: I’m tired of my friend’s pedantic posts

How to weather a social justice obsession in a prolific poster. 

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: Don’t blame your divorce on my Facebook

All smoke, no fire—there’s no affair here.

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: Managing a Facebook creeper

Nice to meet you… Wait, you know this how? 

On by Jess Zimmerman

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Tangled Web: For Pete’s sake, stop making that face on Instagram

A friend has a bad case of the ugly selfies. How do I save her from herself?

On by Jess Zimmerman

The Daily Dot