biden list

‘Was he supposed to say that?’ Biden reveals list of reporters to call on at presser—prompting questions

Biden’s presser was expected to assuage questions about his fitness.

On by Marlon Ettinger

biden nato wife

Did Joe Biden just tell a NATO general he was sleeping with his wife?

‘That is the gaffe to beat all gaffes!!!’

On by Mikael Thalen

US flags stand in press room at the NATO headquarters

Furry hackers claim to have breached NATO, stolen 3,000 files

The files appear to be unclassified but intended for ‘official use only’ among NATO.

On by Mikael Thalen

Roger Waters speaking with hand out on light blue gradient background

Why is Pink Floyd’s bassist on a Ukrainian website’s ‘kill list’?

Rumors fly that NATO and the CIA are involved in Myrotvorets.

On by Claire Goforth

President Donald Trump once again declared himself a 'very stable genius' on Thursday, echoing a tweet he sent earlier this year.

Trump once again dubs himself a ‘very stable genius’

It’s back!

On by Andrew Wyrich

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Just what is Trump doing in this awkward photo at the NATO summit?

Oh, man.

On by David Gilmour

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The French president knew the Trump arm-yank handshake was coming, and he was ready

That’s a firm grip.

On by Chris Tognotti

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Angela Merkel says Europeans can’t rely on the U.S. anymore

Should this make Americans nervous?

On by Chris Tognotti

Xavier Bettel and Gauthier Destenay

Luxembourg’s ‘first gentleman’ joins first ladies at NATO summit

Score one for progress.

On by Samantha Grasso

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Trump belittles Germans during EU meeting

Oh boy.

On by Nidia Cavazos

Trump shoving a leader at a NATO summit.

Trump shoves NATO leader to be in the front of group

This is the second embarrassing mishap for Trump on Thursday.

On by Andrew Wyrich

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Rex Tillerson to skip NATO summit for meetings with China, Russia

NATO allies are concerned.

On by David Gilmour

donald trump angela merkel nato

Donald Trump rips Germany on Twitter, says it owes the U.S. ‘vast sums of money’

Donald Trump and Angela Merkel don’t appear to be getting along too well.

On by Josh Katzowitz

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Pence says he’s ‘honored’ to be Trump’s running mate—despite his attacks on the Khan family

‘I really couldn’t be more honored to be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Donald Trump.’

On by Chris Tognotti

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U.S. military and NATO agree: Cyberattacks could trigger real war

‘We would look at any cyberattack … on a case-by-case basis.’

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

The Daily Dot