Co-worker asks why woman is working while 9-months pregnant. Here’s why

‘My birth plan is to deliver my baby in my office’: Co-worker asks why woman is working while 9-months pregnant. Here’s why

‘My coworker was writing down how far her contractions were on the last day she worked.’

On by Tiffanie Drayton

Worker at a baby company says she was forced to use sick time since it didn’t offer maternity leave

‘I had to go back to work as soon as possible’: Worker at a baby company says she was forced to use sick time since it didn’t offer maternity leave

‘I’m a labor & delivery nurse, literally work somewhere where we SPECIALIZE in women and I don’t get maternity leave.’

On by Tiffanie Drayton

maternity leave concept, pacifier on notepad on laptop with baby bottle (l) woman speaking holding hand up (c) hands holding phone with Linkedin on screen (r)

‘My position was ‘eliminated’’: Corporate worker was laid off 4 days after returning from maternity leave. She found her position posted on LinkedIn 3 times

‘That’s corporate math.’

On by Stacy Fernandez

Successful Woman; Woman who is conflicted with work chaos: woman in maternity leave

‘Leadership is taking advantage of our boss’s absence’: Worker wonders about warning manager on maternity leave that ‘department getting dismantled’

‘I’m really concerned that she will come back to chaos.’

On by Phil West

young woman with caption 'Story time: the time I got fired'

‘It turns out we won’t be needing you anymore’: Worker says she was fired after telling boss she was pregnant

‘I was literally in shock. I didn’t say anything, and he just hung up the phone.’

On by Cecilia Lenzen

A Good Morning America article sent shock waves through Twitter yesterday after it revealed that a hot, new trend in Trump's America is donating personal vacation time to pregnant coworkers for their maternity leave.

A depressing new trend is gifting paid time off to co-workers for their maternity leave

We shouldn’t have to do this.

On by Kristina Nguyen

Jacinda Ardern announced her pregnancy in mid-January, along with a six-week maternity leave.

New Zealand prime minister announces pregnancy, plans to take maternity leave

‘I’m not the first woman to work and have a baby.’

On by Ana Valens

Neil Gorsuch explains maternity leave accusations

Neil Gorsuch explains away maternity leave accusations during nomination hearing

He says the student didn’t remember his question properly.

On by Audrey Browning

Neil Gorsuch

SCOTUS pick’s alleged opinions on maternity leave may haunt him at hearings

Neil Gorsuch reportedly said women manipulate the system, using the benefits, then bail on their jobs.

On by David Covucci

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Arkansas becomes fifth state to mandate paid maternity leave

That means 45 states still offer no pay for new parents.

On by Samantha Grasso

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Former exec at Ivanka Trump’s company says she was not offered maternity leave

She had to fight for 8 weeks paid leave.

On by Jaya Saxena

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Silicon Valley CEO isn’t sure if in-office stripper party is a great idea

He also admitted to not hiring any women because of maternity leave.

On by Lyz Lenz

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These women’s sons died in day care—and now they’re petitioning for federal parental leave

They met with Clinton’s campaign on Monday, but will it make a difference?

On by Jaya Saxena

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Seventeen magazine fires editor-in-chief during maternity leave

Girl power?

On by Lyz Lenz

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Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer’s 2-week maternity leave fails women everywhere

This is a disappointment and lacks strong leadership on an important issue.

On by [email protected]

The Daily Dot