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Jane Dates: Riding the good date mojo

After one successful date, don’t sit around waiting for date No. 2; test the waters and ride the wave.

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Jane Dates: How I learned to stop worrying and love the date

A date gone good. Finally. 

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Jane Dates: How about we… get a little better at this?

Things take a turn for a better after Jane tries a new dating site. 

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Jane Dates: Joining the writing grope

OKCupid isn’t the only way to meet people online. There are also, for example, Craiglist writing gropes—er, groups. 

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Jane Dates: Trying on normal

Finally, a normal OKCupid date. Or is it?

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Jane Dates: I’m not your therapist, dude

This is a date, not a therapy session. 

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Jane Dates: The very first time

Our first guest post in the Jane Dates column on online dating: the very first time.

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Jane Dates: Taking Mr. Hyde for a ride

Jane tries out a litlle Jekyll & Hyde online dating experiment. 

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Jane Dates: Here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson

It’s what Jane calls “The Educator Problem:” OKCupid young ‘uns on a quest to be schooled by an older woman. 

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Jane Dates: He’s homeless

Another episode in the online dating adventures of Jane: Homeless Henry. 

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Jane Dates: Whoops! I’m dating four men.

Jane overschedules, or, don’t hate the player.

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Jane Dates: Sometimes it goes the other way too

A sweet dating story from Jane to boost your romantic holiday mood. 

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Jane Dates: Tiny Tim and other short tales

Jane Dates: sallying forth into the breach with Tiny Tim. 

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Jane Dates: My face is not a cheeseburger

Jane kisses her catfish on the way to (hopefully) finding her prince. 

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Jane Dates: Texting about herpes

In Jane Dates, our undercover dater reports back from the front lines of the online dating world. All names and identifying details have been changed to protect the lecherous.

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