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‘Adam Ruins Everything’ exposes the slimy methods hospitals use to inflate prices

There’s a reason that neck brace costs $154.

On Jul 27, 2017 by Bryan Rolli

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Senate effort to repeal Obamacare fails in 45-55 vote

Seven Republican senators defected from the GOP line.

On Jul 26, 2017 by Andrew Couts

the Senate handedly voted down the Republican-led effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Senate bill to repeal and replace Obamacare fails in late-night vote

There was a lot of drama in the Senate yesterday.

On Jul 26, 2017 by Andrew Wyrich

Protesters disrupting Tuesday's vote on the health care bill

Police allegedly force reporters to delete photos, video after protesters disrupt Senate healthcare vote

The protesters were reportedly handcuffed afterwards.

On Jul 25, 2017 by Andrew Wyrich

Senator John McCain

Senate Republicans clear key vote, putting future of healthcare in flux

The future of healthcare in the U.S. is officially in flux.

On Jul 25, 2017 by Andrew Couts

Sen. Susan Collins

Hot mic catches Sen. Susan Collins calling ‘duel-challenging’ congressman ‘so unattractive’

‘I don’t mean to be unkind, but…’

On Jul 25, 2017 by Samantha Grasso

Donald Trump gives thumbs-up to Eagle Scout Ryan Zinke

Trump gets Boy Scouts to boo Obama, praises election win in bizarre Jamboree speech

Trump said he didn’t want to talk about politics before talking a lot about politics.

On Jul 25, 2017 by Andrew Wyrich

Blake Farenthold duel sexist

Texas congressman blames female senators over failed healthcare bill

If they were men, he’d challenge them to a duel.

On Jul 24, 2017 by Jessica Machado

Donald Trump Hillary Clinton twitter rant

Donald Trump blasts Hillary Clinton on Twitter, mentions presidential pardoning powers

It’s becoming a Saturday morning tradition.

On Jul 22, 2017 by Josh Katzowitz

Donald Trump health insurance

Trump somehow still thinks health insurance costs $12 a year

Trump’s examples are way off.

On Jul 20, 2017 by Andrew Couts

Donald Trump's first 6 months

Trump’s first 6 months: The 189 moments you need to remember

Here are the highs, lows, and gaffes from Trump’s first 181 days in office.

On Jul 20, 2017 by Andrew Couts, Andrew Wyrich

Al Gore

Al Gore calls for U.S. to adopt single-payer healthcare

Al Gore is joining several prominent Democrats in their support for single-payer healthcare.

On Jul 19, 2017 by Andrew Wyrich

The GOP effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act without replacing it with another health care law appears as if it has already collapsed.

Republicans’ last-ditch plan to repeal Obamacare without replacing it has collapsed

Trump said he is now just going to let the health care law ‘fail.’

On Jul 18, 2017 by Andrew Wyrich

obamacare fail trump

Trump tweets that not passing a healthcare bill was his plan all along

Trump is changing his tune.

On Jul 18, 2017 by David Covucci

teen pregnancy prevention

Trump administration cuts $213 million for teen pregnancy prevention programs

The defunding also affects STI testing.

On Jul 17, 2017 by Jessica Machado

The Daily Dot