schumer plant based beer fox business

Chuck Schumer’s odd ‘plant-based beer’ tweet was actually his attempt at making a sick dunk

Then, MTG got involved and called Biden ‘The Hamburglar.’

On by Phil West

Bernie Sanders Green New Deal Climate Change Plan

Bernie Sanders proposes sweeping plan to combat climate change

The plan is sweeping.

On by Andrew Wyrich

beto biden climate policy

Biden’s new climate change plan looks a lot like Beto’s

Who wore it better?

On by David Covucci


Bill Nye goes on expletive-filled rant about climate change

‘Grow the f*ck up. You’re not children anymore.’

On by Eilish O’Sullivan

Trump Windmills Green New Deal AOC

Trump implies windmills cause cancer as he bashes Green New Deal

Trump said if he loses to a Democrat because of the Green New Deal, he ‘deserves to lose.’

On by Andrew Wyrich

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Green New Deal

Ocasio-Cortez unleashes on claim Green New Deal is elitist fantasy

‘Science should not be partisan’ she said.

On by Andrew Wyrich

ocasio cortez dril mcconnell

Mitch McConnell uses a classic Dril meme to attack Ocasio-Cortez

Dril has yet to address the matter.

On by David Covucci

people holding green new deal signs

Debunking the biggest concerns about the Green New Deal

There has been a lot of misinformation going about it.

On by Brenden Gallagher


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posts SpongeBob meme to diss Green New Deal adversaries

She’s flexing her fluency in memes.

On by Alyse Stanley

cpac hamburger

Conservatives at CPAC can’t stop talking about hamburgers

‘They’re trying to get rid of all the cows.’

On by David Covucci

Ivanka Trump Green New Deal

Out-of-touch Ivanka Trump disses AOC’s ‘guaranteed minimum’

She made the remarks in an interview with Fox News.

On by Andrew Wyrich

dianne feinstein kids sunrise movement green new deal

The conversation between Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a group of children highlights divide over Green New Deal

A viral video highlights the divide on how to deal with climate change.

On by Stephanie Fillion

green new deal fyre fest

Conservatives try to rebrand Green New Deal as the next Fyre Fest

It features inaccurate, misleading information about the resolution.

On by Claire Goforth

The Daily Dot