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Secret U.S. spy court approved all 1,456 wiretap requests last year

Some call the court a ‘rubber stamp’ for government spying. But is it taking a harder look at surveillance requests?

On by Eric Geller

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U.K. court strikes down sweeping government surveillance law

It’s a big win for privacy, but the fight is not yet over.

On by Eric Geller

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Here’s how the U.S. government will get around the Patriot Act expirations

Say hello to the ‘grandfather clause.’

On by Eric Geller

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Pro-NSA senators aim to weaken USA Freedom Act’s privacy protections

Opponents of surveillance reform are doing their best to water down a big NSA-reform bill.

On by Eric Geller

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What happens if parts of the Patriot Act really expire?

The NSA will reluctantly stop tracking your phone calls. But the FBI’s not going down without a fight.

On by Kevin Collier

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NSA champion Dianne Feinstein swoops in to slow surveillance reform

Critics say it’s a halfhearted attempt at reform.

On by Eric Geller

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Surveillance oversight board blasts Obama for continuing bulk phone-record collection

This is one area where Obama won’t exert his executive authority.

On by Dell Cameron

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The NSA’s crazy fine threat against Yahoo put in perspective

No wonder Yahoo gave into the pressure.

On by Dell Cameron

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NSA leaks had no effect on terrorist tactics, report says

The critics may have to come up with a new way to criticize Snowden.

On by Eric Geller

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Yahoo faced $250K daily fine for not sharing your data with the NSA

Yahoo disclosed the huge fine along with more than a thousand pages of court documents on Sept. 11.

On by Eric Geller

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Sen. Leahy to introduce strong NSA-reform bill

It’s a step in the right direction.

On by Eric Geller

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NSA collection of American’s phone records reauthorized with Obama support

Surprise, surprise…

On by Kevin Collier

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The NSA might stop tracking your phone data

The move signals a major victory for privacy activists and critics. 

On by Kevin Collier

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Google reveals how often the FISA court orders it to turn over user data

For the first time, Google is (kind of, sort of) allowed to reveal how many PRISM requests it received.

On by Kevin Collier

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The 10 NSA leaks you need to understand in 2013

“This is the truth; this is what’s happening. You should decide whether we need to be doing this.”

On by Joe Kloc

The Daily Dot