Ferry McFerryface

Why Boaty McBoatface is the meme that just won’t die

Has “Ferry McFerryface” finally killed this meme?

On by David Britton

Robert E. Lee on horseback

The ideas the public suggested to replace Robert E. Lee High are as absurd as you’d think

When will people learn not to ask the public to name things?

On by David Britton

horsey mchorseface

Horsey McHorseface wins first race

Horsey McHorse face already won our hearts, but now he’s won a race.

On by David Britton

Boaty McBoatface yellow submersible

Internet-christened Boaty McBoatface makes its maiden voyage

A submarine named Boaty McBoatface will embark upon an Antarctic expedition this Friday.

On by Christina Bonnington

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Baby gorilla named ‘Harambe McHarambeface’ is beautiful, inspiring hoax

It’s definitely a fake story, and it’s definitely great.

On by Nayomi Reghay

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Despite overwhelming support, ‘Boaty McBoatface’ is dead

Why did they even bother to ask?

On by David Britton

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Boaty McBoatface picked by public to be the name of $300 million research vessel

Like there was any other option.

On by AJ Dellinger

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Trainy McTrainface arrives in the wake of viral Boaty McBoatface saga

The British people cannot get enough of Meme-y McMemefaces.

On by Jay Hathaway

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The science community responds to Boaty McBoatface

Scientists are so clever

On by Cynthia McKelvey

The Daily Dot