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Yahoo hack turned millions of users into unwitting Bitcoin miners

While dedicating a portion of the power of a typical home computer to the task would only generate the equivalent of a few pennies per year, installing the malware on millions of computers would produce some serious money.

On Jan 9, 2014 by Aaron Sankin

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Put your bitcoins to work funding open-source cancer research

The cancer-fighting compound will be named “Satoshimycin” in honor of Satoshi Nakamoto.

On Jan 8, 2014 by Gaby Dunn

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How Bitcoin could boost prediction markets

Blocked in the U.S., predictions markets could use the digital cryptocurrency as a legal workaround.

On Jan 8, 2014 by Tim Sampson

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It’s happening: Here comes the Ron Paul cryptocurrency

Call me when SeanPaulCoin is a thing.

On Jan 7, 2014 by Kate Knibbs

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Kanye West: I am a god, not a cryptocurrency

West apparently doesn’t like when people use his intellectual property without permission.

On Jan 7, 2014 by Kevin Collier

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Bitcoin back above $1,000 now that you can spend it in ‘FarmVille’

Is 2014 the year of a stable Bitcoin rise?

On Jan 6, 2014 by Joe Kloc

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Bitcoin goes DIY: You can now easily make your own coin clone

Now you, too, can create your very own cleverly named Bitcoin knock-off!

On Jan 4, 2014 by Aaron Sankin

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It’s Bitcoin’s birthday today, and here’s how the Internet is celebrating

It’s been a breakout year for Bitcoin, from wild crashes and spikes to the Silk Road saga and forward-thinking brothels.

On Jan 3, 2014 by Miles Klee

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Coinye: What a Kanye West–themed cryptocurrency means for Bitcoin

No one digital currency should have all that power.  

On Jan 2, 2014 by Kate Knibbs

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Conservative Texas politician embraces Bitcoin in bid for U.S. Senate

Rep. Steve Stockman recently claimed he cleaned his gun with “liberals’ tears.”

On Jan 2, 2014 by Tim Sampson

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The year the Deep Web went mainstream

The meteoric rise and ultimate fall of Silk Road cast a new light on the role of technology in the war on drugs.

On Jan 1, 2014 by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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How and why Bitcoin will plummet in price

In short, we are still in a situation where supply-side arbitrage has not worked its way through the value of Bitcoin.

On Dec 30, 2013 by [email protected]

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Dogecoin community rallies to reimburse victims of Christmas heist

Big-hearted donations roll in for victims of a massive robbery.

On Dec 28, 2013 by Miles Klee

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Indian Bitcoin exchanges suspend trading amid fears of regulation

Is a Bitcoin ban coming to India?

On Dec 27, 2013 by Tim Sampson

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How many people got high thanks to Silk Road?

The number may surprise you.

On Dec 27, 2013 by Patrick Howell O’Neill

The Daily Dot