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Meet the Irreverent Activist, Syrian thinker Ammar Abdulhamid

‘To me, adherence to a specific political ideology is anti-intellectual.’

On by Curt Hopkins

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Syria says it shot down an America drone

U.S. officials admit they lost a drone in the area.

On by Dell Cameron

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#OpSyria explains the motivation behind a major new hack

A member of #OpSyria speaks out about what the hacking operation against the Syrian government is trying to accomplish.

On by Lorraine Murphy

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Someone claiming to be Syrian Electronic Army threatens Tumblr with blackout

They got the basic message out, but the medium is quite fishy.

On by Kevin Collier

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FBI issues warning about Syrian Electronic Army

The SEA is officially a Pretty Big Deal.

On by Kevin Collier

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Anonymous takes aim at Assad and the SEA

The hacktivist collective doxed five key members of the Syrian Electronic Army. But there was more. Much more. 

On by Lorraine Murphy

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Syrian Electronic Army hacks Outbrain to get to major media sites

Outbrain is a content recommendation widget used by the New York Times, TIME, and CNN, among others.

On by Curt Hopkins

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Syrian Electronic Army phishes White House staffers

The SEA took a break from its usual M.O. of targeting news organizations and tried to hack the White House instead.

On by Tim Sampson

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Syria takes down Syrian Electronic Army

The pro-Assad hacker group has apparently lost its government support, and will have to look for web hosting elsewhere.

On by Kevin Collier

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Meghan McCain learned on Twitter that her dad was in Syria

Your move, SEA.

On by Kris Holt

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Syrian Electronic Army hacks FIFA’s Twitter to take shots at Qatar

FIFA president Sepp Blatter’s Twitter account, along with that of the FIFA World Cup was compromised by the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) Monday.

On by Kris Holt

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Syrian Electronic Army attacks NPR sites, Twitter accounts

The pro-Assad hacker group has previously targeted the BBC and some French news sources.

On by Kevin Collier

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Activists try workarounds during Syria’s Internet blackout

Google has reactivated Speak2Tweet, and Telecomix has posted free dial-up numbers, but it’s hard to say what’s working.

On by Curt Hopkins

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YouTube channel provides weapons training for Syrian rebels

FSAHelp aims to educate Free Syrian Army members fighting the Assad regime on weapons, exercise and self-defense.

On by Michelle Jaworski

The Daily Dot