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This Loki meme is the new way to play dumb

‘I’ve never met this man in my life.’


Gabrielle Sorto


A Loki meme has resurfaced and is throwing shade all over social media. The meme first came about when the Thor: Ragnarok trailer dropped in 2017. Fans took the iconic line, “I’ve never met this man in my life” from Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston) and applied it to just about anything. Considering Loki is known to be a bit sassy, it only makes sense that this sarcastic line was made into a meme.

The Loki meme resurfaced this week when someone used it in reference to the fact that the fingerprint sensor on phones doesn’t work when your finger is wet.

From there, it has taken off. This line is the perfect way to drag your grandma for being dramatic when you grow a few inches.

Or when you do something embarrassing.

It’s also great for the moment you hear your own voice and wonder if you actually sound like that.

It can also be used when you skip too many classes and your teacher really may not know who you are.

Although the movie came out two years ago, this line is the gift that keeps on giving.


The Daily Dot