JK Rowling and Donald Trump

Photo via landmarkmedia/Shutterstock Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0) (Licensed) Remix by Jason Reed

J.K. Rowling lambasted Trump in 2 simple tweets

She doesn’t hold back.


Michelle Jaworski


J.K. Rowling has been no stranger to offering wry commentary on politics—especially Donald Trump tweets—and her latest retort to one of the president’s tweetstorms is no exception.

Trump took to Twitter Tuesday night to respond to Hillary Clinton’s comments that partially put blame for her election loss on FBI Director James Comey’s letter about her emails, which came out days before the election. Trump, on the other hand, claimed that the FBI director had actually helped Clinton.

The election has remained a sore spot for Trump, who lost the popular vote. He’s still bringing up his Electoral College win to voters and reporters months later.

It’s also not the first time Trump has talked about himself in the third person, but Rowling ran with that detail as she created new words to respond to him in what’s being called “Trumpish.” It’s almost like a children’s story in the making.

She wasn’t the only person to indulge in some Trump-inspired wordplay as others attempted to make some new Trump words on their own.

Making art of Trump words isn’t as easy as it looks, however.

How soon before we get a Trumpish dictionary?

H/T Mashable

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