worker greenscreen TikTok over message from boss with caption 'my boss randomly sending me this for absolutely no reason' (l) message from boss with caption 'my boss randomly sending me this for absolutely no reason' (c) worker greenscreen TikTok over message from boss with caption 'my boss randomly sending me this for absolutely no reason'

@1800titties/TikTok Remix by Caterina Cox

‘I don’t need you anymore please bring in your keys’: Boss fires worker with no warning or write-up via text. Can he do that?

‘File for unemployment as SOON as possible!!’


Parks Kugle


Getting fired is an unpleasant experience no matter how it happens but one TikToker has gone viral after she shared how her boss fired her through a text message.

TikToker Emily Dahl (@1800titties) posted a screenshot of the text from her boss, explaining that she’d received no warning at all and no write-ups prior to the message about being fired. The video has been viewed over 224,000 times as of Wednesday.


no warning at all, no write ups. they got new hires and decided to replace me

♬ original sound – 🥷🏿💚

Although most workers in the US are ‘at will’ employees, which means that employers can let workers go without cause or notice, the sudden firing left Emily shocked and confused.

In the short clip, the TikToker is standing in front of a screenshot of the text message with a confused expression on her face. The text overlay reads: “My boss randomly sending me this for absolutely no reason.”

As she steps aside the text message comes into focus. Her boss’s message is blunt and to the point, “Emily,” he says, “I don’t need you anymore please bring your keys in when you pick up your last check.”

Her caption provides a little more context: “No warning at all, no write ups. They got new hires and decided to replace me.”

The clip ends with Emily leaning back into the frame, tilting her head in bewilderment.

Many users reassured her that despite being out of work, she could collect unemployment.

“File for unemployment as SOON as possible!! if you’re in certain states, this is legal unfortunately, but you will be qualified for unemployment,” one user advised.

“You can claim unemployment,” echoed a second.

“Pretty sure they’re legally required to give you a warning first but if not you’ll at least Def qualify for unemployment,” a third agreed.

Some wondered if firing Emily over text message without any prior warning was legal, while others explained that it depends on which state the TikToker was employed in.

“You can literally sue for that, [they’re] supposed to give you warning and a reason why,” one user said.

“Check to see if your state is an ‘at will state.’ That means they can fire with no reason. MN is and it sucks. Seen lots of good workers go,” someone else added.

“This happened to me once so I reported it to the labor board and got $2000+ in severance,” another person shared.

Most offered their condolences and suggested that leaving the toxic environment where a company fires workers over text messages may have been worth the stress.

“Thats just lacking morals you dont wanna work for a company that deals with people like that, so sorry,” a user said.

“Crazy to be fired over text. That’s worse than a breakup over text,” another added.

“Happens to the best of us,” a third wrote.

The Daily Dot reached out to Emily via TikTok comment for further information.

The Daily Dot