Donald Trump in front of US flag

Photo via The White House (Public Domain)

Is the meme Trump just retweeted racist—or just weird?

People aren’t sure how to handle this one.


Andrew Couts

Layer 8

President Donald Trump on Thursday morning tweeted a mocking meme showing him literally eclipsing former President Barack Obama, sparking questions over whether the meme is racist—or just an exceptionally strange thing for the president of the United States to tweet.

The meme Trump retweeted came from Jerry Travone, a self-described “YouTube actor and political junkie” who is not shy about his support for Trump.

Within moments after Trump retweeted Travone, people began predicting that liberals would view a meme in which Trump, who is white, blocks out Obama, America’s first black president, as racist.

Some did, indeed, find the meme racist, particularly in light of Trump’s response to a violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last week.

In response to one of those critics, Travone told the person, “go fuck yourself, pussy.” However, he appears to have deleted that tweet.

Jerry Travone Tweet
Screenshot via Jerry Travone

For the most part, people aren’t responding with accusations of racism. Instead, they’re just baffled by the leader of the free world engaging in petty politics with his predecessor.

Others simply pointed out the strangeness of the metaphor the meme makes. Is Trump saying he’s the moon and Obama is the sun? If so, does that mean Trump sees himself as the one casting a dark shadow across the entire United States?

Regardless of the meaning of the meme, one thing is certain: Trump will do something else soon that will eclipse all of this.

The Daily Dot