Steve Bannon inspired a meme when he announced the 'three pillars' of his new political outlook.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Steve Bannon’s ‘three pillar’ ideology is already a scintillating meme

‘*Extremely Steve Bannon voice*’


Kris Seavers

Layer 8

Steve Bannon, former chief strategist for President Donald Trump, inspired an instant sarcasm-fueled meme Thursday when he spoke at the Financial Times’ “Future of News” conference in New York.

Bannon spent much of the talk downplaying the influence of Cambridge Analytica—which he helped create and takes credit for naming—in the 2016 election after days of scrutiny over the firm’s use of personal data has sent Facebook into an apologetic frenzy.

But Twitter zeroed in on a particular Bannon soundbite reported by the Daily Beast’s Max Tani. Bannon says he has a new political outlook with three main points, according to Tani.

Bannon, a former exec for right-wing news site Breitbart, is apparently focusing on “nationalism, cryptocurrencies, and digital sovereignty.”

Twitter couldn’t help but mock the perceived banality of Bannon’s bragging on his “new ideology.”

Some people offered Bannon alternatives for his newly adopted “three pillars.”

But many co-opted the “three pillars” idea for their own lifestyles. The proclaimed ideologies ranged from straightforward…

to philosophical…

to completely obscure.

One person even went for a five-pillar approach.

Bannon—who became a central figure in the investigation into Russian collusion and incited Trump’s wrath with comments highlighted in Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury—seems to invite controversy wherever he goes. We’ll see where his three pillars take him next.

The Daily Dot