A fire that occurred at the home of a Roy Moore is under investigation for arson.


Supporters raise nearly $160,000 for Roy Moore accuser whose house burned down

People have flooded her GoFundMe page to help.


Josh Katzowitz

Layer 8

The home of a woman who accused former Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct caught fire last week, and police said arson was suspected.

But those who support Tina Johnson have immediately made an enormous impact on her newly established GoFundMe page. Less than two days after the “Help Tina Johnson Rebuild Her Home” crowdfunding page was created, she’s already received more than $147,000 as of this writing.

A woman named Katie Jacobs Stanton established the campaign and wrote the following:

I don’t know Tina Johnson. But I believe her.

Tina Johnson bravely shared a story about being sexually [harassed] by Roy Moore. It has always been dangerous and risky for women (and men) to speak out against sexual [harassment].

Today, this danger reached a disturbing level. Tina’s home burned down and she lost everything. An arson investigation is underway.

100% of these funds will be used to help her rebuild her home. If Tina has insurance that covers the damage, she’ll still receive funds from this campaign to help with living expenses and ease the weight of all this. Money won’t erase what happened, but I truly hope it will help.

And people have responded.

According to Stanton, the goal of $100,000 was set, because that was the Zillow value of Johnson’s house. She also wrote that any additional donations would be sent to organizations who support victims of arson and/or sexual harassment.

Johnson accused Moore, who lost the Alabama Senate race to Democrat Doug Jones, of grabbing her on the buttocks in his office in the early 1990s. But this week, an Etowah County Sheriff’s Department spokesperson said it was unclear if the fire was related to the accusations she made against Moore.

“Honestly, I’m in shock like I was the day it happened,” Johnson told CNN. “I can’t comprehend all this, it’s just overwhelming.”

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