Anthony Minniti Crying Jordan

Photo via Burlington County Times

New Jersey mayor calls use of Crying Jordan meme ‘mob like’ behavior

The meme’s creator could be in trouble, as well.


Josh Katzowitz

Layer 8

The Crying Jordan meme has made its way into local New Jersey politics, and the mayor of a small township who lost his reelection bid is pissed for getting dunked on online.

On election day, the day Cinnaminson Mayor Anthony Minniti was beaten in the Republican primary, somebody placed the Crying Jordan over the face of Minniti on one of his campaign flyers and posted it on the private Cinnaminson Friends & Neighbors Facebook page.

According to the Burlington County Times, Minniti called the post “inflammatory, outrageous rhetoric.”

“Obviously, I’m disgusted by this post, but sadly not surprised,” Minniti told the newspaper. “It was only a matter of time before someone took this mob like behavior too far, and this is definitely too far. Hate has no place in Cinnaminson, and this needs to be treated with the seriousness it warrants.”

That’s an interesting take, because the Crying Jordan is basically as unserious as it gets.

But the alleged poster of the meme might be in trouble, because she’s a local third-grade teacher. The school superintendent has taken notice.

“I did receive the post, and it is being given its due attention,” Beverly Superintendent Elizabeth Giacobbe said. “However, as it is a personnel matter, I cannot comment more than that.”

Minniti said the teacher’s post was a “sad commentary about some in our town.”

Sounds like local New Jersey politicians have plenty to learn from those North Carolina representatives who were Crying Jordan’d. And if you can’t handle a harmless meme that’s well past its expiration date on a Facebook page that hardly anybody would have seen if you hadn’t made such a big deal about it, maybe you’re not cut out for politics anyway.

H/T Deadspin

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