
Elizabeth Warren/Twitter

Twitter is haunted by Elizabeth Warren’s old doll collection

‘Love you but this is scary af.’


Eilish O'Sullivan

Layer 8

On Thursday, 2020 Democratic hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) tweeted a photo of her younger self surrounded by a bunch of dolls to advocate for the reinvestment in education. Although her post was well-intentioned, people couldn’t get over Warren’s large doll collection—with many finding them to be extremely creepy.

“I wanted to be a teacher since 2nd grade,” Warren tweeted. “Here I am with my doll collection—I used to line them up and play ‘school.’ Later, I had the chance to be a special education teacher and a law professor because America invested in kids like me. We need to invest in kids again.”

While many reiterated that Warren still has their vote, they just couldn’t get on board with her doll collection. Replies ranged from “love you but this is scary af” to “aw hell naw.”







Of course, a few expressed their admiration for the probably haunted doll collection.


Warren has outlined an ambitious education policy that includes student debt cancellation to a universal childcare plan. And with Warren in a crowded field of Democratic presidential candidates, it may just be her doll collection that helps set her apart.


H/T the Cut

The Daily Dot